It has been some time since posting on this blog and much has happened in my life since then. I am beginning my senior year of college which is crazy but very exciting. This prompted some self-reflection in my own life and my personal journey with cyber. I realize how much I have grown in not just my skills but also how I approach the world in my time in college. Cyber is a hard major and takes a lot out of you many times and the ability to endure not just physically but mentally and emotionally is crucial. I encourage anyone entering this major/field to recognize how difficult it is but in that celebrate the victories you have along the way. Whether that’s rooting your first box or as simple as installing and booting your first Kali VM, we all start somewhere. I have seen immense growth in my cyber journey and I can look back and see how God provided for me in those moments of endurance and trials. I also encourage those who are older and more experienced in the field to look back remember where you came from and to help those who are currently there themselves.
All in all, I have “all my road before me” as CS Lewis once said even though I am at the end of one smaller road in life, I am simply at the beginning of more and more roads all making up the larger road of my walk with Christ. That at the end of the day makes cyber irrelevant in the long run however I will continue to pursue it as God has led me. I am excited (also scared) for the next part of my journey and where I’ll end up and what I’ll be doing but I also recognize its all in God’s hands and all I must do is simply take the next step toward Him in every situation.