It is an interesting time in my life. I am beginning the last semester of a 3-year college career that I initially thought would never end. I am beginning my professional career and my life as a “full” adult not in school. It is also the end of a couple of things though some small ones like cookout run during finals week but also larger things like friendships that have grown over my college years. It puts me in a very introspective headspace when I enter this latest season of life, I want to enjoy it to the fullest. I also realize that no matter if something has a definite end in sight or not take it for granted. For we are not guaranteed any breath we take, every breath is a gift and we must treat it as such. Therefore, I pray that this last semester of college grows me and pushes me in life but also I hope it is not the best part of my life because I always want to be striving towards how I can grow in my personal life, professional life, and most important in my Christian life every day not just when ends are in sight. I say all of this knowing that the ultimate goal in life is not to have a big house, accomplish amazing things professionally, or anything else like that. It is simply to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever”. Accordingly, I want to submit this next season along with all to follow the will of God and what He has for me in it. I can guarantee it will not be where I expected but I can guarantee it’ll be where I’m supposed to be. I encourage you if you have made it this far to take a second, take an inventory of your beginning and ends but also take stock of where God is leading you and if you are willing to take the next step of faith. As I enter this time of job hunting and finishing strong, I know I will have to be dependent on God, and most of the time all I will be able to do is take the next dimly lit step of faith in front of me. Thank you for reading this and I hope my thoughts have sparked even just one thought in your head.